A defect in our system of government has given a minority of voters a majority of power, and they're using it to strip women of their civil rights, shove gays back into the closet, and push Blacks to the back of the bus.
It makes them feel powerful, which for some reason is absurdly important to them, but it's a horrifyingly bad idea-- and not just for the obvious moral reason.
America is a multicultural, multiracial, multilingual conglomerate, and that's not going to change.
We either find a way to get along, or we disintegrate into smaller and smaller factions, each armed to the teeth with rifles and righteous indignation.
Blasting beer cans (an effigy for gay people) with assault rifles is a first step towards a bad end.
We should turn around.
it feels so crappy to be getting older, and the country is turning the clock backwards.