Sunday, June 5, 2022


 Excerpted from Desert News:

Despite what the Bible says about stealing, a Church of England priest suggested Saturday it was no sin to shoplift - as long as the victim is a big supermarket.

"Jesus said `Love your neighbor,' he didn't say `Love Marks and Spencers,' " the Rev. John Papworth said, referring to the big British retailer. Papworth drew a distinction between stealing from individuals or small merchants - which he says is wrong - and stealing from giant retailing corporations. Those, he says, have run little stores out of business and harmed local communities.

"With these institutions, all you are confronted with are these boardroom barons sitting round the boardroom plotting how to take the maximum amount of money out of people's pockets for the minimum in return," Papworth said on BBC Radio.

With a follow up in The Atlantic:

Father Tim Jones, an English vicar, has instructed his congregation to shoplift if they're hard up. In a sermon that the Daily Mail reports has British police and politicians in a frenzy, Father Jones explained that his "advice does not contradict the Bible's eighth commandment because God's love for the poor and despised outweighs the property rights of the rich."

Abbie Hoffman took it a bit further fifty years ago:

To steal from a brother or sister is evil. To not steal from the institutions that are the pillars of the Pig Empire is equally immoral.

And Motorhead put it succinctly as well:

Full lyrics HERE.

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