Tuesday, November 17, 2015

That Little Girl

Passages like this one are the reason I love The Autobiography of William Allen White so much:

I stopped at the home of a girl whom I knew at the university but slightly.  I could not rouse the family at the front door, so I walked around the house to the kitchen porch, where she stood with her back to me, ironing.  I said, "Laura," and without a word she whirled and literally jumped into my arms, crying, "Oh, George!"  She blushed to a crisp when she found her mistake.  I see her every year now at commencement.  We are old folks, and George-- Heaven knows where he is.  But he was never loved in his long life as that little girl must have loved him.

Had he been a president or a senator, rather than a simple Midwest newspaperman, his book would be crowded with awards and ceremony and listings of Great Deeds.   There would have been no room for charming little anecdotes like this one.

1 comment:

  1. ...what genuine and heartfelt writing..! I feel envious of young George and share in his foolishness... I, too, have lost such a love and I wonder if he ever knew how much he did lose...
