Saturday, August 29, 2015

Whoah-ho, what I want to know…

Excerpts from Jack Kerouac's Desolation Angels ©1965, chapter 98:

Let’s be like David Dangell¹, let’s pray on our knees in privacy-- Let’s say “O Thinker of all this, be kind”--Let’s entreat him, or it, to be kind in those thoughts-- All he has to do is think kind thoughts, God, and the world is saved-- And every one of us is God-- What else? And what else when we’re praying on our knees in privacy?

“What can I do?” I say. “Except advise kindness.”

“O kindness be damned!” yells the world. “Let us have order!" Once order comes, the orders come-- I say “Let us have forgiveness everywhere-- try as hard as you can-- forgive-- forget-- Yes pray on your knees for the power to forgive and forget-- then all will be snowy Heaven.”

¹Psuedonym for Phillip Lamantia

1 comment:

  1. ... I may have to retry Kerouac because of your influence..!
