Thursday, August 17, 2023


"One of those big days when you feel alternately very grown-up and boy in the corner of a room full of adults."  ~Alan Rickman, journal entry for 30 January 1997

I enjoyed Alan Rickman's recently published journals, Madly, Deeply: the diaries of Alan Rickman, ©2023,for a while.  There are some nice  little gems scattered about, but I was starting to not like him very much, so I sat it aside.

He was very shallow, far too impressed with celebrities, and just generally grumpy all the time.

I gave up on the book when he described going to decorate his mother's grave and used it as an opportunity to criticize the way other people had decorated their loved one's graves.

It was just too much.


1 comment:

  1. oh, sad! it's weird how most of the memoirs I've read made me end up disliking them!
