Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Ain't It a Drag

 I went to a Catholic school.  We started every morning with a prayer, we had an hour of theology class every day, and Mass every Friday.  We had religious retreats and periodic confessions.

This was literal indoctrination, but it didn't work.  

I'm not Catholic.

We also said the Pledge of Allegiance every day.  

That didn't work, either.  I'm not exactly the cookie-cutter patriot they envisioned.

That's why I'm calling "Shenanigans!" on the folks that are banning drag shows under the guise of Saving the Children™.

It's not as easy to indoctrinate children as they imagine.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same Catholic School upbringing. My biggest argument with my parents each weekend was that they were "forcing me" to go to mass. I never wanted to go. And I knew, even at an early age, my parents didn't either. When my dad drove, we were ALWAyS late. He was a church "usher", which meant he sat in the very back reading the church bulletin the whole hour.
