I have a really weird pot, and nobody is quite sure where it came from.
It's made out of metal, but I have no idea what kind. It's too heavy to be aluminum, but whatever it is doesn't rust.
You can't put it in the sunshine because it would get hot and cook whatever was in it, and there's no drainage hole so you have to be super careful when you water it.
Fortunately for me, it works great for my Betel Plant. They like indirect sunshine, so I can put it on the porch, and you really can't over-water them, so if I accidentally create a tiny wetlands it will happily drink up the excess.
Betel Plants are native to India, but I got mine through Neem Tree Farms in Florida. I've had great luck with them, and I'm happy to give them an unpaid endorsement. They are on the web at (of course!) NeemTreeFarms.com.
i just love everything about this!!