Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Here we go again.


Movies and television have given people the wrong idea about the 60s.  The truth is that hippies were a persecuted minority, the Vietnam war was overwhelmingly popular until the last few years, and Richard Nixon easily won election twice.

The truth is that the old boomers in power now are absolutely representative of their generation.

The hippies were right about everything.  That's why they're remembered.  But, like Jesus before them, they were never in charge.  They were easily crushed under foot, and were.

The Republicans have promised to focus on "cultural issues" when they regain power.  Well, they've already pushed Blacks to the back of the bus, they're about to reduce women to nothing more than a uterus with legs, they've flooded the streets with guns and herded refugees into cages.  What's left?  Shove gays back into the closet?  Strip health care from millions of poor people?  Reignite Reagan's "war on drugs" and "war on porn," or maybe George W.'s "war on terrorism" as a ruse to impose even more authoritarian rule?

It's not going to be pretty.

The 60s were mostly about violence and oppression. 

Here we go again. 

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