Saturday, July 13, 2019

Hello, darkness

Sleeplessness has become a problem for me. I fall asleep easily, then I'm awake in the middle of the night consumed with worry, then I fall back asleep. If this happens on one of the two mornings the alarm isn't set, then I sleep in and do fine; if it's not, then I'm in for a long, weary day.

There are a lot of things in my life to worry about. My wife's health, my father's health, my own health; the next-door neighbors who take drugs and bicker all day; whether I have the time and skills to do all things that need doing around the house.

I used to think that if I solved these problems then I'd sleep at night, but I don't think that anymore. I think of worries as sort of a dark amorphous cloud that descends first, then finds something to focus on- and there will always be something.

That's life.

We're brought up in sort of Freudian universe, where every effect has a cause and every problem has a solution, but I'm starting to believe that world view is false.

Sometimes things just are. That's just the way it is.


  1. I know you're not looking for an instant cure . Sometimes life just sucks and we can get in a hopeless loop where hope seems totally impossible. But remember the things you HAVE gone through--things where you were most likely at the end of any hope. All things really do pass. But none of us have a free pass. It's just allowing ourselves that time to process everything in life and know each day gives us a new chance.
