Monday, Two Months Later
by Rod McKuen
from moment to moment, ©1974
Now I have the time
to take you riding
in the car
to lie with you in private deserts
or eat with you
in public restaurants.
Now I have the time
for football all fall long
and to apologize
for little lies and big lies
told when there was no time
to explain the truth.
I am finished
with whatever tasks
kept me from walking
in the woods with you
or leaping in the Zanford sand.
I have so much time
that I can build for you
sand castles out of mortar.
Midweek picnics.
Minding my temper in traffic.
Washing your back
and cleaning out my closets.
Staying in bed with you
long past the rush hour
and the pangs of hunger
and listening
to the story of your life
in deadly detail.
Whatever time it takes,
I have that time.
I've always wanted
to watch flowers open
all the way,
however long the process took.
I'd hoped that I might
take you travelling
down the block
or to whatever.
Now I have the time
to be bored
to be delivered
to be patient
to be understanding
to give you
all the time you need.
Now I have the time.
Where are you ?
You can listen to this poem read by the author HERE.
OH, MAN, that choked me up.