Saturday, December 17, 2016

Here Comes The

In this excerpt from The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, translated by John Addington Symonds, Cellini has been imprisoned in a dark, damp jail cell for months:

To him (his Guardian Angel) I made but one request, and this I urged most earnestly, namely, that he would bring me where I could behold the sun. I told him that this was the sole desire I had, and that if I could but see the sun once only, I should die contented. All the disagreeable circumstances of my prison had become, as it were, to me friendly and companionable; not one of them gave me annoyance. Nevertheless, I ought to say that the castellan's parasites, who were waiting for him to hang me from the battlement whence I had made my escape, when they saw that he had changed his mind to the exact opposite of what he previously threatened, were unable to endure the disappointment. Accordingly, they kept continually trying to inspire me with the fear of imminent death by means of various terrifying hints. But, as I have already said, I had become so well acquainted with troubles of this sort that I was incapable of fear, and nothing any longer could disturb me; only I had that one great longing to behold the sphere of the sun, if only in a dream.

It has been weeks since we've had a full day of sunshine here.  I understand.

(The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini is in the public domain and may be downloaded for free from Project Gutenberg HERE.)


  1. Good thing you don't live in the Pacific Northwest.

  2. I totally, totally, TOTALLY understand this feeling. It would be my last wish , too. And to be sitting in the sun with you.
