Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Learned That...

The teaser on the magazine cover said "Henry Winkler:  What I've Learned at 70."  So I bought it.

I don't know what I expected-- probably something along the lines of "Follow your dreams!" or "Don't worry what other people think!"-- but I certainly was not expecting this:

"I learned that I adore elephants.  Everything they say about elephants-- the emotions and the empathy-- it's absolutely correct.  It's palpable.  I fed, washed, and talked to this elephant.  He only understood Thai, but he understood my energy."

And I think I am a bigger Henry Winkler fan than ever.  :)

(Source:  Closer magazine, September 19, 2016; Volume 4 Issue 38)

1 comment:

  1. ...I would like to read that article... and I think that if you are reading carefully enough (and I know you did so, Thomas..!) you will find that there is more to learning than academics and intellectually goals...
